Craxus Nec'roys life at the Begining

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Craxus Nec’roy son of the elven warrior Zenith Nec’roy was born a little before the Race Wars. Craxus’ father was warrior for the Lirynn city. And was in the Race Wars. Craxus would have been in the Race Wars, but he wasn’t trained in the ways of the warrior clan, and he was considered a young elf at the time. After the Race Wars, Craxus’ father came home a changed elf. He was forever scared for taking the lives he had to. For Elves don’t like seeing the senseless bloodshed of others.

So for Craxus’ farther with his emotional detachment, Craxus had to search for something to share his feelings with, since Craxus’ mother died giving birth to Craxus. So one day, he walked outside beyond the cities walls and deep within the jungle. There he developed a certain appreciation as a child for nature. Mother nature was more of a parent than Craxus’ father was. Everyday, Craxus leaned against the trees and embraced nature to its fullest. He even started feeling for the trees and how they lived their lives as the living protectors of the forest.

Later that month, Craxus was enjoying a nice nap leaning against his tree, when an elven hunter is out hunting for some meat. The hunter kept very quiet, and spotted Craxus from afar. The hunter not knowing if Craxus was dead or alive began to creep closer. The hunter finally got close enough to witness what was happening. It seemed almost as if, when Craxus was sleeping, that trees were humming Craxus a song. The hunter was not knowing if this was magic at first or not, blindly said it was magic and was disgusted at this for what happened earlier in their history, when magic was frowned upon.

Craxus awoke and it was nighttime. He started heading back home to his supper waiting for him. When Craxus showed up in the town and was about to enter his home. He saw his father, and 4 other elven men at the front door. It seemed like they were in a heated discussion. Craxus couldn’t tell what it was about, so he crept closer to find what was up.

When Craxus was close enough to hear, the prime elf of the 4 carried a bow and was talking to Craxus’ father. The elf was saying, “I saw your son, Zenith…I saw him in the forest of old. He was against the trees sleeping.”

Craxus’ father was not at all worried about Craxus sleeping in the forest; he knew his son visited there often. “I know my son sleeps in the forest, he spends many nights there and many days. He loves nature I can’t blame him for it.”

“Yes, but the trees! The trees were embracing him while he slept, and hummed songs of the ancient times while he slept! It was almost like he WAS USING MAGIC,” replied the Elven Hunter.

“My son, using magic? No, you must be mistaken. My son is just an ordinary elf, nothing more nothing less,” stated Zenith.

The elves left, figuring that Craxus’ father would put up a fight if the argument continued any longer. Later that month, during 212 SR, a civil war broke out amongst the elves. Once again, the elves showed up at the door of the houses with their weapons drawn. Craxus was lying in bed, when his father woke him up abruptly.

“Craxus! Craxus! Get up, we need to leave right now,” screamed Craxus’ Father. “Craxus you have a gift that isn’t allowed in the city and is outlawed. The elves outside are coming for you, I want you to go to your spot in the woods and don’t leave there they will kill you if you show back up is that understood?”

Craxus didn’t know what to do but obey his father. So Craxus got up and put on his clothes, and grabbed a dark traveling cloak. He went out the backdoor of his house and sneaked out of the city from all the chaos going on. Elves were attacking elves, families were screaming at each other. Amidst the chaos, Craxus escaped the doom that awaited him.

In the jungle, Craxus ran off and started crying against a tree. The trees began humming a song trying to comfort Craxus. When out of nowhere, a growling sound came from the bushes. A great white tiger emerged from the bushes claws showing and fangs bared. Craxus turns his face and stares directly into the eyes of the beast. His tears have stopped, but the wet marks underneath his eyes can still be seen. Craxus stands up and moves into a defensive position.

The white tiger moves forward slowly roaring as it does. Craxus begins to panic with fear, but does not move he stood his ground. The tiger leaps, Craxus moves to the side, clearing the sharp claws of the beast. Craxus turns to his side and tries to run away from the tiger since he has no weapons to fight the tiger with. Craxus just keeps on running and running getting further away from Lirynn. Craxus running out of breath trips on a low branch, and twists his ankle.

The tiger finally caught up to Craxus and slashes at the backside of Craxus. Craxus screams in agony as his shirt gets torn and blood begins to pour down his back. Craxus gets up and tries to run away from the beast, bleeding from his back it slows him down tremendously.

Craxus gets a few yards, and trips once more from sure exhaustion and his injuries. Craxus turns around and sees the tiger in mid-air jumping at him ready to slash at his throat. From the corner of Craxus eye, he notices a forceful movement running towards him from his left. A black streak stretches over his face and hits the tiger in the side, pushing the tiger to the ground. Craxus props himself up and eyes to see what that force was, it was a black as night wolf with fangs shown and growling at the tiger. The tiger doesn’t take this so kindly and charges the wolf. The wolf and the tiger get into a fight and they both take hits. Eventually the tiger breaks off the attack and rushes away from the wolf that has won.

Craxus can’t believe his eyes; this giant of a wolf has saved his life! The wolf, which is about the size of a small pony, turns and walks over to Craxus. The wolf motions to Craxus to get onto its back. Craxus does so but with great effort for his wounds were extensive. The wolf leaps into the air and rushes off to its cave where it sleeps. There in the cave, the wolf treated to Craxus wounds and let him sleep.

When Craxus awoke he had no idea where he was, but he did remember about the wolf that saved his life. He didn’t know where the wolf was until it entered the cave again with a rabbit hanging from its mouth. Craxus noticed that he was hungry from not having any food for a couple of days. Craxus gestured to the wolf a thank you, and to his surprise the wolf nodded its head. Craxus couldn’t believe his eyes! The wolf responded to his thanks, so Craxus decided to do an experiment.

He asked the wolf, “Can you understand me?” Too his surprise once more, the wolf nodded its head. Craxus asked another question, “Do you have a name?” The wolf began to bark, but in Craxus’ mind he got a single word some how from all that barking, Xenith. “Your name is Xenith?” The wolf nodded its head and barked. “Well hello Xenith, my name is Craxus, and you saved my life. I owe you a life debt. From this day forth I will never leave your side.” The wolf barked once more and then jumped up on Craxus playing with him. All Craxus could do is laugh and scratch behind Xenith’s ears.

Craxus was lost in the woods but didn’t mind when he was with Xenith. Xenith is his best friend and he would never leave him. It wasn’t until Craxus was getting old enough that he was about the size of a normal human young man, at around the age of 18. Craxus had to move out of the cave because it was getting too small for him to fit. So Craxus went in search for a tree big enough that he could sleep against. It was nighttime, and he found a tree close enough to the cave to where he could be by his friend Xenith. During the night when Craxus was asleep dreaming of his home, when the trees reacted strangely to the sleeping elf lying against them.

When Craxus awoke his back was in pain from his long time injury from the tiger long ago. Craxus shifted over to see what time it was by staring at the sun to get his bearings. As Craxus looked he noticed something different about where he slept. There was a roof over his head now, and it was completely covered it looked wooden. Craxus stood up and realized that he could stand up in this wooden structure. Craxus walked out of the wooden structure and inspected it outside. It seemed as if the tree came to life and moved to form a small home much like the design of his old home. Craxus didn’t know why the trees acted this way except that his father told him of this ancient skill the elves had that could mend plants to do there will.

Years had passed and Craxus began using a bow, as a normal Elven hunter. Craxus could hunt down an animal of a particular kind from years of learning the footprints of all the beasts in the forest. The plants themselves crafted his bow.
Craxus called to Xenith. It was time for him to go back to Lirynn and look at the city that he used to live in. So began the 4-day journey home with Xenith at his side. Craxus took a few plants that changed themselves into fine weapons that he could sell. Finally Craxus arrived at the Lirynn to find it back to the way it was before the Civil War.

He walked into the city with everyone looking at him and Xenith as they passed. Xenith would growl at people who looked at them strangely for long enough. Craxus could hear the whispers of the elves talking about things such as, “That’s the boy! That’s the boy who used magic, people say he ran away…. that boy should have stayed away from this city he is not welcome to such a place.”
Craxus was with Xenith to find out what happened to his father and why he sent him to the forest so long ago. Craxus began asking around and he found an elven warrior that Craxus noticed as his father’s friend. It took sometime to convince his father’s friend that it was he, for his friend only had an image of Craxus as a young elf. Once the friend knew it was Craxus he explained, “Your father was killed during the civil war to save you.” Craxus wasn’t really fazed about this, as he’s never had a father that loved him. “He also left you this,” he handed him a bag of gold. “Your father was a good man, don’t ever forget that.”

Craxus with Xenith, went around the city seeing what they could trade and barter. Craxus was wearing unusual clothing compared to all the other citizens of Lirynn. He had on a tree weaved tunic and a cloak made of leaves; both very beautiful even to the elven clothing. He walked into a shop that sells kits of gear that Craxus can use in the wild. He was about to purchase a Camping kit, when the shop owner started yelling at Craxus, “WE DON’T SELL YOUR KIND ANYTHING!” Xenith started barking at the comment. The shop owner turned his head and started yelling at Xenith for barking and causing uproar. The shop owner even started cursing at Xenith and said stuff, “You mangy mutt! Get out of my store NOW! You filthy beast!” The shop owner grabbed a parchment of paper and started to roll it up getting ready to swat at Xenith. Craxus just glared at the shopkeeper getting furious by the second. Craxus grew up with animals and doesn’t like it when other people make fun of them. You can say that Craxus has a weakness of short temper with animal cruelty. The shopkeeper took one swipe at Xenith and struck him against his snout. Craxus didn’t take this kindly at all!

Craxus pulled out a knife and held it against the throat of the shopkeeper. Craxus said very slowly and very quietly, “Never do THAT again!” Craxus released the shopkeeper’s collar and pushed him back against the wall of the shop. Craxus gathered his items and his bow and summoned Xenith to exit with him. As Craxus did this, the shopkeeper ran to the door and yelled for the guards. Craxus put up his cloak and began to run out of the city. Before he left he through a bag of 100 gold coins that he got earlier from a different shop, and leaped onto a horse all ready and fit. Craxus galloped away with Xenith following closely by.

This is where I leave off with my history of Craxus. Some people even believe that his wolf friend. Xenith is his father in spirit. I hope I didn’t ruin that for you J Anyways I put tons of work into this history, I hope there aren’t too many errors in it. Please tell me what you think and hopefully I won’t have to revive this too much.

Craxus’ Appearance:

Craxus stands in at 6 foot 2 inches. His elven ears stand out showing that he has become a full elf. He has 3 scars on his back from the tiger incident that happened in Craxus’ past. Craxus has blond hair with leaves in them signifying that he has been living in the jungle for most of his adult life. He knows how to survive in the wild and has trained himself to track animals with great care. Craxus walks with a slight hunch from the nerve endings that were cut from the tiger’s claws. Craxus has a somewhat of a dirty look from being in the wild so much. His eyes have a blue tint showing that he had blue eyes when he first entered the jungle. Then over a period of time, his eyes changed color from blue to yellow. Thus having yellow eyes gives him the sight of darkness, night vision. He has trained himself using a bow, to hunt the animals. Along with the bow, Craxus has a dark leaf cloak that was made by the plants by his home in the jungle. His tunic is made by the finest of trees, and was woven into a strong tunic for protection of the wild.

Wherever Craxus goes, Xenith his wolf partner travels. Xenith is a completely black wolf about the size of a small pony. Xenith’s paws have very sharp claws, his fangs very sharp and long. Xenith’s eyes are yellow showing that he can see in the dark.

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