The Not Terribly Good Club of h2g2

1 Conversation

We're because we're here because we're... not terribly good

Since I'm not terribly good at this sort of thing, It may take a while to build this entry.

My own qualifications for being a member are many. For instance, I went through a phase of just missing out on seeing some of the best bands of the 1970s. In 1974 I missed seeing Thin Lizzy at the Reading Festival because I fell asleep. In 1978 I missed seeing The Buzzcocks at a Rock Against Racism festival in Manchester because they played in the afternoon before I got there, even though I lived less than half a mile from the park where the festival was happening. I missed The Fall on that occasion too. And in 1979 I missed seeing Joy Division when they played an all-dayer at The Mayflower Club (also in Manchester) because - again - they played before I got there. I did get to see The Fall that time, so not all was lost.


  • Gosho - Not terribly good at making it on time to see major musical acts.
  • GreyDesk
  • - Not terribly good at washing up dishes, resulting in having to eat a curry off the lid of a Pyrex dish with a salad fork.
  • MasterB
  • - Not terribly good at golf, playing air guiter, or making mayonnaise.
  • Egon
  • - general clumsiness.
  • Number Six
  • - Not terribly good at laundry, resulting in having to go to work wearing swimming trunks instead of underpants. and football socks.

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