h2g2 Bounty's home page

4 Conversations

Can I just state that I have recieved permition to build up this new group by: Intern (ACE).

The h2g2 Bounty's are new unoffical h2g2 helpers who help to meet, greet, and assist new members. Help page: A2219528


Bounty's have been a very well respected volunteer group for other world wide search sites such as: Yahoo, Lycos, Hotmail since 1997 and have been a successful help group upto the year 2000, and is still running now, helping members to link to the right page that they are looking for, and sending them emails requesting a confirmation that it is their email address and it is in working order.

One of our Bounty members came onto h2g2 a while back and has researched all the links and infomations about h2g2 and passed them onto me, so thanks to her I have got the links to every help page, information page, and edited page.

On looking around this site myself I have noticed another help group already registered as The Guardian Angels.
I hope we can work something out to work along side eachother.

Bounty's do not sign up just anyone,

But if you have had experience in welcoming and helping New Members and you would like to become a 'Bounty' please leave a message titled Volunteer, and your Researcher number and the reason you want to join below.

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