A Conversation for Too Much Information?
But, handcuffs are so crude...
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Started conversation May 21, 2007
So do you feel better for getting all that out?
I can see how you might find submissiveness conflicting with feminism, but consider where the attitude is coming from. Worries about submissive women being vulnerable essentially boil down to the fear they'll submit to some complete and end up getting hurt. But that denies them their choice, and relationships in general do carry some risk and involving entrusting something of yourself. Its actually a very patriarchal (I know all feminists love that word
) way of looking at things, in the sense that protectiveness goes hand-in-hand with possessiveness. So there's my argument for sex-positive feminism (which I really know nothing about).
And in the end, everyone's got to kick back and relax, right? No harm in letting someone else do the work of making decisions for a while.
A few wise words passed on from my physics teacher a few years back: handcuffs are crude, get yourself some good quality silk scarves. Don't smoke pot until you're eighteen, have your own place, and the responsibility can be properly yours. Warm flesh is warm flesh. That last one seems a bit weird though...is he condoning furries I wonder?
But, handcuffs are so crude...
echomikeromeo Posted May 22, 2007
I certainly feel better for it, though it doesn't really stop the constant flow of identity crises. Welcome to teenagerhood I guess.
That was a wise physics teacher you had there.
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But, handcuffs are so crude...
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