A Conversation for The relevance of virtues


Post 1


Fascinating. Is consequetialism sort of like risk assessment , I mean having regard for the a range of possible outcomes/ consequences of actions prior to carrying out the action. This would be in order to make a judgement about the collective appearance of ones overall ethical behaviour. In other words consider how much non virtuous behaviour you can slip in, whilst still appearing like an upstanding virtuous member of society smiley - cheerssmiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - tongueoutsmiley - loveblush ect ect ect


Post 2


Thanks Mox!
smiley - biggrin
Consequentialism might be considered as a sort of ethical risk assessment. The area's a bit thorny, because there's no way (in my opinion) that you can be settle the morality of an action in advance, there being so many unknowns. I think it's ok for deciding which of several morally equivalent actions is the correct one, such as in a risk assessment in business. But it does not carry within it the capability of deciding which of the actions can be selected for consideration in the first place - i.e. it can't itself be the moral framework. I should add, that many think otherwise!

How much non-virtuous behaviour...? Groucho Marx (I think) said that what was important in life was sincerity... if you can fake that, you've got it made!
smiley - silly

However, what I think is clear is that the virtues get better if they are practiced so that they become habits. In fact a virtue is not strictly speaking a virtue until it is habitual. An occasional virtue therefore doesn't really exist, I'm afraid. A shame.
smiley - winkeye


Post 3


HiAndrew S, this is a really interesting subjexct which may lead me down a different path given my bnack ground (as well as the fact that Ive just got in from girls night out ) I like the idea that consequences can be calculated prior to actions. Although I accept that it is difficult to predict a positive outcome, I would contend that it is common place to believe that we can even if misguided This means that there is an over lap in the level of individual psychology in that our individual; views of what we perceive as virtuous may not coincide with those of the rest of society even when we feel it does. When it does we are perceived as upstanding members of society when it does not it indicates that examination of individual circumstances is required in order to gain an appreciation of a particular perception.
I bet none of this makes sense and that I’m better off looking at this in the morning !!!!
smiley - smiley


Post 4


I'm just working through it...!
smiley - smiley
I find consequentialism too elusive for practical morals. Evaluating the ethical value of an action by its likely results is very vulnerable to wishful thinking. On the other hand the virtue-based approach is very concrete. The virtues are well-known, and very real, together with the contrary vices (one can name dozens), and behaviour is easy to evaluate in those terms.


Post 5


but isn't wishful thinking what makes us (humans), individual. surely that more intresting and more probable than an approach based on something concrete which usually just means it measurable, so we like it, in my experience there isn't much in human behaviour thats measurable, but we will keep trying !
Well done for interpreting the weekends posting, even I dont know what I was on about smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
anyway I need to know more about this subject and will venture to the library in the morning to pick something up to take on my Cornish camping tripsmiley - biggrin


Post 6


Well, let's see now... on your camping trip you can exercise many virtues! For example...
Patience... because of the weather
Fortitude... because of the weather
Prudence... because of the weather
Affability (controlling your temper)... (etc)
If you practise the virtues in these circumstances you'll be developing your moral fibre - at least, that's the theory!
smiley - biggrin
Many a true word is spoken in jest. But I hope you get sunshine!


Post 7


Thank you Andrew S I am indeed a fair weather camper and will be trundeling back up the road home to Devon rather than developing my moral fiber, should it decide to rain. On ariving home we will engage in other enjoyable past times because lifes to short to mess with virtue practice !!!smiley - biggrin
all the best


Post 8


Quite right too!!!
smiley - smiley

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