Talking Point: Where Would You Most Like To Live?

8 Conversations

Do you want to live on a beach like this?

As Judy Garland so famously said in The Wizard of Oz, 'there's no place like home.' Or is there? These days, it seems like more and more people want to up sticks and leave Blighty for the welcoming shores of Australia, New Zealand and other exotic places with the promise of sunnier weather and a better lifestyle.

The question is – are you one of those people? That's the subject of this week's Talking Point – so tell us:

  • If money were no object and you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  • Have you ever lived or considered living in another country?

  • If you have made the move overseas, what made you do it?

  • Is living abroad really as appealing as it sounds or is there no place like home?

  • Where do you live now and what's it actually like?

  • Have you lived in the same area all your life and if so what's the attraction?

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