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Most probably the largest superstore chain in the world. It basically sells everthing you need in life cheaper than anywhere else. This all sounds well and good until you actually go there for "just one or two bits and bobs". However, once your in the actual store a small portion of the brain not used in the normal day to day runnings of things clicks into gear and makes you "just have a look around". Then before you know it your walking out three hours later with $300 dollars worth of stuff you didnt really need. Then you have to suffer hours of grief from your partner back home explaining why you need a toaster which takes extra thick slices of bread, why you thought the' tv viewing' all in one zip up body warmer suit was a good idea, and just how the hell you were both going to figure out how to put that 'easy to assemble' set of drawers together in less than 2 months.

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