A Conversation for Talking Point: Goodbye, Sam!
Motorcar Song
Jimi X Started conversation Jan 15, 2004
Sure, you are a valuable member of the h2g2 team, but that one song have given me (through my kids) a great deal of joy.
You've always been a low-key voice of reason in this madhouse. Don't be a stranger.
- Jimi X
Motorcar Song
Jimi X Posted Jan 15, 2004
Even verbs and subject don't agree when Sam is leaving...
I reckon one last typo for you so you won't miss us too much.
Motorcar Song
Sam Posted Jan 16, 2004
Yep, tpyos sure don't bother me now. Thanks for the kind words JimiX. I'll definitely see you around site. All the very best to you.
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Motorcar Song
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