A Conversation for More than Just a Cup of Tea

Flea Market: A2200131 - More than Just a Cup of Tea

Post 1


Entry: More than Just a Cup of Tea - A2200131
Author: kunoichi - U551001

An excellent, excellent entry that just needs a little bit of loving attention to get it into the Edited Guide!

A2200131 - More than Just a Cup of Tea

Post 2


I would like to volunteer to give this my care and attention. If I find I am sadly lacking, I'm sure others will chime in and helpsmiley - winkeye. No, I'm sure I'm just being overly nervous as this is my first Flea Market attempt.
So do I go and get on with it now?
Julessmiley - smiley

A2200131 - More than Just a Cup of Tea

Post 3


Having re-read the instructions on the Flea Market page, I'm merrily getting on with things in the manner required. Back later smiley - run

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Flea Market: A2200131 - More than Just a Cup of Tea

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