A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

I'm locked out

Post 1


I am GodBen-The god of doors, eunuchs and car-dealerships. But unfortunately I’m locked out.smiley - blush

There was an incident with the computer I was using at college, and it led me to incorrectly enter my password three times. I can remember the jist of my secret question but I can’t remember it completely. I only have one more attempt left and I want to know what happens if I get it wrong. Is there any other way for me to get in?smiley - erm

I'm locked out

Post 2


If you mail in to [email protected] someone may be able to help you.

good luck smiley - smiley

I'm locked out

Post 3


I'll try smiley - brave

I'm locked out

Post 4


If you get locked out and put the incorrect password in for you favourite bus route whatever it only locks you out for half a hour altho you will still have to e-mail support
to get it unlocked againsmiley - smiley

I'm locked out

Post 5

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Thanks for the help, but I'm back in now.smiley - ok

I'm locked out

Post 6


smiley - okno problemsmiley - smiley

I'm locked out

Post 7


smiley - cool

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