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how do i change my password?

Post 1


according to the faq, the option to change my password should appear on the preferences page... but it doesn't say anything there about passwords!

oh, and why are my registration details not being remembered? these days, i have to log in every time i visit (which is why i want to change my password cos i couldn't remember my old one so had to request a new one, which is an even more meaningless string of letters/numbers than my passwords normally are, and there's absolutely no way i'm going to remember it, so if i've got to log in every time i need to be able to choose something that i have at least a vague chance of remembering).

i know there's a lot of things going on at the mo, but if anybody could spare a second to respond, i'd be dead chuffed.

*be's pathetic*

how do i change my password?

Post 2


Hello smiley - smiley

Dont panic smiley - ok

At the top of your page you will see
retreve my details click on that

You will have to put your password to get to them but once you are there go down the page you should see change my details then update

try that


how do i change my password?

Post 3


thanks! all sorted

how do i change my password?

Post 4


The FAQ pages probably need a complete overhaul with all the SSO changes. Note that you *should* still be able to not have to sign-on every time. You need to click the "remember me on this computer" checkbox in the sign-on screen and then be careful not to sign-out but just close the browser window and turn the computer off (or whatever your normal routine is).

how do i change my password?

Post 5


No problems


Yeh all box users are geting are blank screens with the new log in has been like that a couple of days i think they are working on it

I dont have to log on all the time but all i do is click the t.v button

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