A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 1

Researcher 242292

Can u help me please Ive been having great difficulty editing my page because everytime I try to I loose my BODY and GUIDE and a huge chunk of my text, so everytime I add anything or change anything I hve to keep re-entering half my work. Could you please tell me why this is happeneing and how do I stop it from doing it? Thanx xx

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 2


Hello Buffy

The reson is you have filled your page as far as it will allow you you can take more space

Just leave your body and guide tags off at the bottom of your page and just continue to carry on down but take note to

1)If you have done a box you remember to put the

At the bottom again or this will couse a error on your page and you will lose half your page again
2)make sure every thing is closed becouse this again can couse a error
3)dont forget to put your body guide tags at the end as well

Dont be tempted to put to much extra on becouse there is a chance you wont be able to get into your page(digibox users)becouse there will not be enough memory to support it



Post 3

Researcher 242292

ok not exactly what i wanted to hear but thanx hun. I was told the space was unlimited i guess us didbox users are limited at pretty much everything oh well nevermind thanx

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 4


Yeh we are realy iv extented mine a bit more smiley - biggrin

Its computers have loads of cappacity for memeory digibox only have a little bit

No problemsmiley - smiley


Post 5

Researcher 242292

yeah its a shame really caus I had big plans for my page , there was so much more I wanted to put in. Its a pain they cant make a Digiboxs with a decent amount of memory on gggrrr sum1 should slap the lot of them lol

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 6


I have been very tempted on some occations to drive to there head office and do it smiley - laugh


Post 7

Researcher 242292

someone should thats for sure lol

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 8


smiley - laugh


Post 9

Researcher 242292

just had a look at your page hun looks cool how did u make it so wide and put to dropboxes side by side? It looks like it takes up a lot less space.

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 10


Sorry about the delay i used another box to get them side by side alterd the width and the boxes pushed them outsmiley - smiley


Post 11

Researcher 242292

hiya hun thanx, i tried what you said but my boxes are still above each other cant seem to get it to do it? what did you change the widths to hun?

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 12


Put drop down box herePut second drop box here

Try that smiley - smileysmiley - ok


Post 13


smiley - sorry

I have forgoten some thing

1st Drop boxSecond drop box

Thats ok now smiley - smiley


Post 14

Researcher 242292

ok thanx babs ill give that a try later xx

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 15

Researcher 242292

ok thanx babs ill give that a try later xx

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 16


smiley - okNo problem if you need any more help just let me know smiley - ok


Post 17


Intern, HIGHT should be spelled HEIGHT but isn't necessary to specify it anyway. 5000 is probably too large so it is a good thing that the things you misspell are completely ignored by the display software. smiley - yikes

Also WIDTH="100%" would be safer than WIDTH="5000" as it then adjusts to the size of page available.


Post 18


Yeh i tryed the % with mine didn`t seem to be any different at all

yeh it is a good job i would be tareing my hair outsmiley - biggrin


Post 19

Researcher 242292

Well it worked. First time aswell no probs whatsoever. Thanx a lot babs xx

smiley - love Buffy xx


Post 20

Researcher 242292

Well it worked. First time aswell no probs whatsoever. Thanx a lot babs xx

smiley - love Buffy xx

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