A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Help Me

Post 21


Some of the participants are using digiboxes to access h2g2, Pastey. It was common on Leisure District to post in all capitals. It seems to be tedious for them to continually switch between capitals and lower case but most people on digiboxes have at least managed to post in all lower case as a compromise. smiley - biggrin

Help Me

Post 22

Researcher 236692

I do not use this page 2 send messages 2 people i only come on this research number 2 see if anyone has been talking about me behind my back,i do not have 13 names on this site like ive been accused of and aslo never had princess-of-hearts phone number so how can i phone her like once again ive been accuesed of doing,so you think its right other people sending messages saying im a pervert do you,well i dont,you see ive read all the messages where ive been talked about behind mt back,and i wont let people talk about me like that or be accused of things i havent done.

Help Me

Post 23


Ah, that explains the capitals. I thought that it might be something like that, but wasn't sure so I thouht I'd ask.

As for people talking about you 236692, I really wouldn't worry about it. Let's face it, people talk about people. Deities know people talk about me behind my back, but I just couldn't care and let them get on with it. If they really wanted to talk about me without me finding out, I'm sure they'd do it somewhere where I wasn't likely to be, not a public forum.

smiley - rose

Help Me

Post 24


Thank's sef
I will Ignore Him I've unsub from all the message he left for me But could you Please tell Him not to leave me Message's on my page and To stop Mesg me all together Please I just wanna be left alone To be Get on with talking to my Friend's I Have never Accused Him of anythink I just want Him to go away and To leave my Friend's alone and To delete my username off his List of Friend's.

Thanks for helping me anyway
It's nice to know There are nice ppl out There That will, Help detressed ppl like me Thanks.

Help Me

Post 25

Researcher 236692

well i just unscribed from 2 messages and thats what im going 2 do from now on,all im going 2 do is just 2 come on this number and 2 see if anyone has been talking about me,then delete the messages,ive got another research number on here and i talk 2 my friends on there just 2 get away from whats going on,and i dont use my HOT-ROD anymore,i can understand what you are saying but its not wery nice being accused of things you havent done.

Help Me

Post 26


It's not nice to be accused, but it's also not nice to be hounded.

I'm glad you both seem to be taking a step back from this. I hope it works out for both of you and that you enjoy your time online here. We tend to be a nice bunch, you just have to look at the photos of us falling over drunk at meet ups to see that smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Help Me

Post 27


Researcher 236692, if you see something offensive (eg someone calling you a pervert should count) then what you are supposed to do is press the complaints/yikes button. This isn't possible if you are on a digibox. So, until something can be done to the h2g2 software to make it possible, an alternative arrangement has been set up to help make things fair. Read A1108018 for details.

Basically you email the group with details of the post/page you want yikesed and we will do it for you without passing any judgement ourselves on whether we think it is valid. We use your email address and words in the complaint. So it should end up looking just like a complaint from anyone else would and no-one on site needs to know about it (as they would if you complained on the ACEs page, say).

Help Me

Post 28

Researcher 236692

I would just like 2 know when princess-of hearts said she hasent accused me of anything when she sent a message 2 sef saying i have,well what do u call that then,dont worry as i said i talk 2 my friends on another number but i will be checking on this one and im not going 2 take anyones name of my list.

Help Me

Post 29


why is this my nickname? i have a bloody name, i just gave it. Sheesh. I just find it terribly helpful, when reading and writing, to use correct spelling of words in the English language. It turns out that this is one of the only worthwhile aspects of schooling. Yelling and repeating oneself seem futile too, perhaps you hould look into separate planets, eh? There, there. That wasn't so bad was it. Problem solvedsmiley - smiley

Help Me

Post 30


should. the word i meant to use there was should. as in: i should learn to type more accurately.smiley - smiley

Help Me

Post 31


smiley - huh

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