A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Really dumb situation

Post 1

Researcher 237840

Okay, i've ended up with a bit of a problem - my computer had been keeping my account information on here by itself, and now i've ended up that i got logged out - and i discovered that while i can recall my password just fine, the acutal username i have completely forgotten. and now, without realizing it, i've ended up creating this new account, so i'm posting here.
My proper ID# is 231546, and if there is any possibility of getting this fixed, i'd written a few things on my other account.

Really dumb situation

Post 2


Okay smiley - smiley Don't panic

Send an email to h2g2 dot support at bbc dot co dot uk and supply them with as many details as possible smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

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