A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Personal space

Post 1

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

I caan't get to my personal space. From within h2g2 my browser reports "request completed but I'm still on which ever page I was on.

If I try from a blank browser page then it just stays blank.

It's been happening for around 20 minutes now.

Personal space

Post 2


It'll hiccup like that for a while. You just have to be patient and keep clicking.

smiley - blacksheep

Personal space

Post 3

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

It's still happening (I've just come back from lunch). I will keep trying. I have some conversations to find

Personal space

Post 4


You could /try/ pressing your browser's refresh button when the screen goes white. I doubt it'll work, but... *shrug*

Personal space

Post 5

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

I did it all. I even tried other browsers. Thanks

Would a negative vibe merchant smiley - yikesing my personal space have this affect?

Personal space

Post 6


No. If your page was sed, it wouldn't be hidden immediately. If it was decided that it broke the House Rules, you'd see something like "Article Hidden" (don't remember the actual text) and get an e-mail about it. My point is, the screen wouldn't be blank.

Personal space

Post 7


Also, I've taken a look at your Personal Space, and it appears fine to me, so it's something to do with your computer. As you've tried using different browsers, it isn't a cache problem. I also guess that you're accessing from home, because you have access to more than one browser.

Can you access other peoples' Personal Spaces as well?

Also, try using this link, which will open up your PS in DNAHub instead of h2g2:


It should work from there. If it does, we've got this isolated down to one particular page.

Personal space

Post 8

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Thanks for the link, it works there smiley - cheers

Actually I'm accessing h2g2 from work. I'm a technician so I get to put what I like on my machine smiley - smiley

I'll try h2g2 from home when I finish work, which should be soon because it's 4:15pm here.

Personal space

Post 9


And 9.30pm over here. Where abouts are you? I can't be bothered working out the timezone...

You could also try changing your skin in <./>UserDetails</.> and trying to access it again. h2g2'll look different, but that might be a good thing smiley - smiley

Personal space

Post 10

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

smiley - yikes you mean leave goo!? I tried changing to brunel in the address bar.

I'm in New Zealand a.k.a. GMT+12

Thanks for the help, I'm off home now smiley - smiley

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