A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Fringe Drama Companies

Post 1


Long ago , in a far distant country, I travelled about studying the work of theatre companies might loosely be thought of as * Fringe * groups .

There was a plethora of them -- of very high quality , and for instance I spent a memorable week at a conference in Cardiff feasting on the work of companies that catered for children's drama.

I also visited many Colleges and schools all over the country looking at the work of their drama departments .
In fact , I saw 222 performances in 369 days ,( and that time was diminished by other commitments ! )

I have not been back to Great Britain since that memorable year 1979 , and though long retired from the drama scene here in Australia , I often wonder what the present situation is like .

Would anyone care to enlighten me ?

Fringe Drama Companies

Post 2


oops -- I posted this in the wrong place I think

Fringe Drama Companies

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Yup, that you did. smiley - cheers


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