A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

new people

Post 1

Crazy Man

How can I find out about new people so I can welcome/introduce myself to them?

new people

Post 2


Click on the 'who's online' link and you will see a list of who is currently around. The most recent researchers to join (at the bottom of the list if you order by ID) will have (new this week) after their names/U numbers.

You can also check out the New Users page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/NewUsers and find and greet people who've joined within the last hour/day/week/month or so on.

Of course, you could always apply to become an ACE too.smiley - winkeyehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/Aces

smiley - ufo

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