A Conversation for Entry replaced

h2g2 people bios et all

Post 1


A great page there folks, it seems you really have the 'pros from Dover' running the show. I reckon that there'd be interest in seeing a page with a "day in the life" of h2g2 HQ, all echelons. Also, the question remains: who makes the sandwiches there?

About two years back I read an article in the magazine "Business 2.0" (I think, maybe it was "Fast Forward" or some other deal). It was a somewhat in depth account of what you all were up to. When I first visited this site about six months ago, it was nice to see that your plans had been realized.


h2g2 people bios et all

Post 2


Thanks for the feedback Cowboy. We like your suggestions for a day in the life here at headquarters! Perhaps one day we will reveal who is trapped in the kitchen. smiley - smiley

h2g2 people bios et all

Post 3

JLC the TTP aka ...It's All Happening!

Thanks for all the info, people with enquiring minds do want to know what and who they are involved with when they pour their written souls and copywrites onto the pages of h2g2.
worlds of love,
& congratulations

h2g2 people bios et all

Post 4


Thanks - it makes us seem human rather then just italic names and low user numbers smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

h2g2 people bios et all

Post 5

Demon Drawer

There was someone trapped in the kitchen so that was why you were always anxiously looking at the kitchen door when we were there is it? smiley - winkeye

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