A Conversation for Entry replaced

h2g2 Game

Post 1


I can't wait!!!

h2g2 Game

Post 2


Good I am glad. I will let the games team know smiley - smiley

h2g2 Game

Post 3

Colbert the Alien (patron saint of drunk Wookies)

does it really say Q4 2001??? Thats like, 14 months away!!!!! I cant wait that long! Make them hurry up already! I dont care what you have to do, give the development team introvenous coffee drips, make them work 22 hours a day and survive the rest on (vaguely) legal stimulants! i dont care, slave labour is common in the games industry! (or it should be) As long as the plot, graphics, sound, and most importantly gameplay are _PERFECT_ its fine by me...

h2g2 Game

Post 4

Tom A Slick

Do they need help? smiley - smiley

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