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Physical Appearance: Goblins about five feet tall, with dark green skin, pointed ears, and somewhat bestial faces. Their fingers end in small talons and their teeth are pointed and sharp. Their bodies are wiry and muscular, and their smaller stature does not equal less strength. Goblins have been compared to cockroaches; it is impossible to get rid of them. They are tenacious creatures that make their way in a hostile environment, and this tends to make them believe everyone's against them.

Goblins fight to win; even if it against there odds. This applies in everything they do.

Goblins are a challenge to play because of the possible prejudice against them wherever they go; many players think of goblins as stupid but in this is not the case. Goblins have no racial advantages or disadvantages; their racial skill, The Sneaking, gives them an edge in a world that truly is hostile to all who inhabit it.

Goblins have an absolute hatred of elves, who they believe betrayed them so long ago in the Bittering. Relations with humans are fairly bleak, because if the humans ever try to take over a goblin clans land; let us just say that the goblins won't give it up without a fight. They have almost no opinion of dwarves and even less of Erudites; they rarely see these races.

Goblins make almost good of every class for the darkside.

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