A Conversation for E Vibenstein's Big Probe

Poll result for September 2000

Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

September's question was: What should the BBC show on their new digital TV channels?

You voted:
Hardcore pornography - 54%
Rolling 24-hour coverage of some sheep standing in a field - 18%
Classic testcards from the archives - 13%
A shopping channel selling things you can't afford as you spent all your money getting digital TV - 9%
Yet more repeats of Dad's Army - 4%

(Total votes cast: 22)

Poll result for September 2000

Post 2

The Brain

You may rejoice as I, an active voter, have returned from the wilderness of Eastbourne, to once again promote this valuable site and help boost Octobers voting figure to (hopefully) a grand 23.

Poll result for September 2000

Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hurrah! Thank you, Brain. Have you voted this month? Silly question, of course you have.

Poll result for September 2000

Post 4

Lost in Scotland

I think that there should be a "Don't know" chioce in the poll. There's always people who say "I don't know" in polls.

"Would you like to be tied to the back of a car and be dragged through a bed of nails?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Don't know.
The results: Yes: 1%, No: 95%, Don't know: 4%"

Poll result for September 2000

Post 5

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

But I want people to form an opinion. What's the point in an opinion poll for people with no opinion?

Should I have a "don't know" option in my big probe?
Yes - 5%
No - 10%
Don't know - 85%

Poll result for September 2000

Post 6

Lost in Scotland

Well, it could possibly attract some of those people that doesn't have an opinion to show that they don't have one.

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