A Conversation for Anime & Manga
Princess Menonoke!
Headmaster Cid Started conversation Nov 29, 1999
I would like to say that finnaly, there is some credit being delt to all the Otakus out there. There is finaly a major (well, not that major-- it's only in one single screen in my town) motion picture out in theaters: Princess Menonoke. With the voices of Gillian Anderson and Billy Bob Thorton. I haven't seen it yet, but the word is that it rocks the casba. Booyaka! Not since Heavy Metal has something this cool happened to Anime fans....
Princess Menonoke!
Original Jackrabbit (OJR) Posted Dec 2, 1999
Hi again Doc, it's OJR!
Did Gillian "Lustful ginger FBI agent" Anderson really do a voice?
I gotta listen to that. Oh yeah! Mononoke was taken in by Disney wasn't it? It hasn't come out in England yet so I guess I'll have to wait.
Princess Menonoke!
Headmaster Cid Posted Dec 19, 1999
I finaly saw it! Man did it rock the casba. Gillian Anderson is the voice of the Wolf God. The Wolf God is pretty formidable until you get a look at the Hog God. The Hog God is a huge, white, gnarled, blind whorthog. He's gruesome.
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Princess Menonoke!
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