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Re: Tay-Sachs Disease

Post 1


This is a very emotional subject in that it deals with a disease which has no known cure while producing a terrible prognosis for children, and their parents.

I never knew anything about this subject until I read it here, and I think this is remarkable writing from that view alone, as only those who have been affected by this disease will probably be aware of its existence.

The non-emotional way of writing extracts the most terrifying facts in a clear way, giving this reader an understanding that probably would not have been gleaned by reading a medical paper – well done.

I hope this subject makes it to the posting boards for public viewing and I would also suggest that a series be made, perhaps concentrating on subjects who have coped with the knowledge of dealing with this disease first hand – what are the repercussions for those who choose abortion? Do they become sterilised if in a stable partnership where both adults are carriers? Have there been any children who have developed some form of resistance, enough to keep them living for longer than their initial prognosis allowed? Are any families ostracised by their local community?

The subject matter makes for scientific reading as well as connecting with parents, I would suspect having a series could very well develop into a real publishing paper in the likes of Medical and Family orientated magazines, simply due to the strength of the research and writing this matter involves.

A very good report.

Re: Tay-Sachs Disease

Post 2


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