
2 Conversations

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Interesting thoughts... but this isn't the right forum for them <sorry>

PeerReview is designed for submissions for factual rather than opinion-based pieces, entries that meet the Writing-Guidelines for Edited Guide entries. Have a look at the Writing-Guidelines and you'll hopefully see what I mean!

The Alternative Writing Workshop (Writing-Alternative) would be a better place, or you could try submitting it as an article for h2g2's own newspaper, ThePost or post it as a conversation to one of the many forums, askh2g2 being the best-known one we have here.

All the best for your future time on h2g2, and I hope that you come back and submit something else suitable for the Edited Guide.

Number Six

I'm afraid this isn't really the right place to be doing this kind of thing - the best place to speak to the beeb is

<./>PeerReview</.> is the place on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy site for submitting entries that meet the <./>Writing-Guidelines</.> with a view to trying to get them into the Edited Guide and published on the Front Page. As this isn't really what you're doing here, please could you take this page out of Peer Review? <grovel>

You can do that by going to the <./>PeerReview</.> page where you'll find your entry listed near the top of the list at the bottom of the page - click on the 'x' on the right-hand end of that line and that'll do the trick <ok>

Number Six


PS - you might find <./>askh2g2</.> a good place to ask this question... <winkeye>


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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