A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page


Post 21

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

hmmmm....an ACE flag that leads to an ACE page, what's the scense in that?


Post 22

The Cow

There's a flag on my page, says I'm an ace. 'What's an ace?' ask all the newbies. So they click on the flag, and find out.

Also it'd give me a quick link there myself.

What's up about the email and h2g2 development info? It's not the reason I'm an Ace, but it seems a perk of the job smiley - smiley
Ever since I spotted 'h2g2 dev' on the WAP phone on tommorrows world, I've been interested


Post 23


OK Kids you are now on the ACE and h2g2 pages - check for spelling etc!!! I am going to add you to the egroup.

Incidentally on the flag linking to the ACE page - I think this is possible but the tech team are short staffed and there are other projects taking priority so no just yet.


Post 24


e group done too!


Post 25


All things nice and cuddly, thanks smiley - smiley

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