A Conversation for Thanksgiving

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Post 1


LOL Kate! What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! You know what girlfriend? I love you like nobody's business. It's a fact, so you'll just have to get used to it. smiley - winkeye

Okay, I guess what I'm really thankful for are all the little things that don't immediately jump to mind. All the things that get overshadowed by huge things like "Family" and "Job". It's the little things that give my life shape, and I'm very happy for them.

Oh! And all you guys, too. smiley - smiley I love you all to death, honestly truly. And thanks to those two guys that invented the internet, so that I can talk to all of you.

And for all the "Ben"s and "Michael"s that are out there and worth knowing. smiley - winkeye

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Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!!

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