Pulldown Link List
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Here is a working example of a pulldown list for linking to pages from h2g2. The code is shown below.
- To link to pages inside h2g2 you need to use the "A99999" form for the URL.
- To link to users inside h2g2 you need to use the "U99999" form for the URL.
- To link to things outside h2g2 you need to use the full URL as in the douglasadams.com example
Thanks to Skeleton (ACE) for some suggestions that helped improve this code.
Pick a LinkThe GuideML ClinicThe ACEs HomepagePeta(Community Editor)Bruce(GuideML Guru)Skeleton (ACE)The Code for this listDouglasAdams.com
Here is the code for the pulldown links list shown above.
Just cut&paste it into your homepage. Your homepage needs to be set to GuideML or HTML content - Plain Text just won't cut it.
Put the code wherever you want the list to appear on your page.
<P ALIGN="center">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javaScript">
function goLink(link) {
window.location.href = link;
// -->
<FORM NAME="listLinks">
<SELECT NAME="linkPicked" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE="goLink(this.options[selectedIndex].value)">
<OPTION VALUE="A187229">The GuideML Clinic</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="A214796">The ACEs Homepage</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="U24">Peta (Community Editor)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="U25551">Bruce (GuideML Guru)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="U97840">Skeleton (ACE)</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="A214066">The Code for this list</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="http://www.douglasadams.com">DouglasAdams.com</OPTION>
<!-- Add as many or as few to the list as you like. Just add an OPTION line for each link. The format looks like this - -->
<!-- OPTION value="the link URL goes here">The text for the list goes here</OPTION -->
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