Three sheets to the wind and none on the bed.
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
Three sheets to the wind and none on the bed.
It has been said with some small justification that those who can, do, while those who can't "doodoo" need more fibre. I would argue with that, but my PDA doesn't work well when I'm constipated. Something about an iron deficiency, which has nothing to do with my shirt collars. My neck is just made that way and no amount of starch or polycarbonate resin is going to make any difference.
I am not drunk now, but with sufficient reason and a good lie, I could be very soon. The Sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world and the Sun never sets on the Mighty Toyota...
My wife says all this is nonsense. The best I can do is quote the "Willy Wonka" movie at her. This confuses the issue sufficiently that I can bundle it off to school, one, which I might add, if I felt like it, which doesn't allow Bibles but does allow the quoting of verses... if they've been used in an Eddie Murphy movie.
Which leads me to this evening's topic and possible item of discussion: Do pigs actually like truffles or are they just glad to get out of the pen?
Or: Does Ink really like laying on paper or is it just glad to get out of the Pen?
Or: Does ale really like being drunk, or is it just glad to get out of the cask?
Or: Do I really like writing this stuff, or am I just glad to get out of doing the washing up?
Tune in next week when a wee small boy will show us how to carve an alpenhorn out of a cake of carbolic soap while whistling the theme from "The Third Man".