Canada. More specific, British Columbia.
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
We, my wife and I have visited British Columbia twice now, for a total of eight weeks. The first time, six years ago, just us, meeting up with my brother and girlfriend in British Columbia, staying together for two weeks, then two on our own. Last year, we went with Jake and Bruce, our two sons, and my mother. So all I write here is based on tourist experiences- I'm not a native- alas...
The first thing I noticed: Space. Big, no: Grand. Take Vancouver: Three lanes: one way!! In a city! I don't know if any of you know Amsterdam, but the comparison is... unbelievable. And the Cabby warning me not to drive here, because of the traffic...
Then, leave the city. And it just gets better. Travel North on Highway #1. Space, openness, and all of it wild! Holland does not have a single square mile of authenthic nature! And here: mile upon mile of the stuff. To poor a soil to work: Leave it be. Great...
Which brings me to another great thing: BC people. We arrived to find Andy, an old-time friend of my mother's, in the lounge of our hotel next day. Prepared to put us up at any cost to himself. And after that we met Jake and Colleen (who put up my mother for two weeks last year- never having met her before!). And Ben, and Rimka, and John, and John. And Jan Lemon, who (twice!!) gave us the use of her cabin totally free! And the whalewatching guides, who would have given us a third trip for free, had we had the time, the waiter truly prepared to wait... To sum it up: Terrific people!
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