A Conversation for Madness, Telewest Arena

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 1


When i said "two and a half hours later", I meant "an hour and a half later."

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 2

Post Team


shazz smiley - thepostsmiley - cracker

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 3


2 and a half paragraphs below the "one Step Beyond Quote, the bit about Our HOuse being "over two and a half hours later"

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 4

Post Team

Fixed smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepostsmiley - cracker

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 5


Oh,a nd also: under the "f**K art" header, I've put that they still have it, whatever "i" is, so that "i" should be "it".

I'm only being this pedantic about my own mistakes to put off writing an essay about the spanish civil war you know (FACT: the spanis civil war was very boring)

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 6

Post Team

That was probably my fault - accidentally when changing your " to ' - fixed anyway and I'm off now! Bye smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepostsmiley - cracker

Bugger! I've amde a mistake!

Post 7


Ta. Toodle-pipski (I've actually just noticed I've even mis-typed the subject title. Where do you reckon I can get typing lessons?)

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