Grown Up I Spy

1 Conversation

Do you remember the days when playing I Spy with your family was a way of turning a tedious car journey into a frenzy of "You don't spell centipede with an 'S' it's a 'C', stupid!"

Version 1

Well now you're a bit more grown up you need a more adult approach to the game. This is how you play Grown Up I Spy. Think of something, and then try and think of what it began with.


I say, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with, I'm definitley only having the one!"

Everyone guesses, and sometimes some of their guesses will be jolly funy, until someone gets it right.

I'm thinking of A Hangover.

I say "I spy with my little eye something beginning with January"

Yes, you got it, I'm thinking of 1987.

I say, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with, Of course you can borrow the lawnmower."

I'm thinking of the two feet high grass in my back garden

I'm sure you can think of just as exciting things as this if you try very hard.

Version 2

Version 2 is perhaps more party friendly. In this version you give the end situation and the people have to come up with the first step.


Situation: The grass is two feet long in the back yard.

The players say things like, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with - I know goats eat anything but I wouldn't give it dynamite."

Or "ISWMLE, Have you ever seen anything so ridiculous as this SuperGrow plant food. What good will that do?"

Example 2

Situation: World War 1

ISWMLE, "You'll never hit Archduke Ferdinand from here."

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