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Snowmen are figures built out of snow. They usually comprise of three balls of snow. The first ball is the largest and is situated on the bottom. The second ball is a little smaller and is placed on top of the first. The last ball of snow is roughly the same size and shape as an adult head, and this is placed on top of the others.

A snowman can be decorated with carrots (for a nose), pieces of coal (for the eyes), a scarf (for the neck) and night-vision goggles.

Snowmen are built for the sole purpose of being able to take a long running jump into. The effect is of snow spraying out everywhere and you being left lying on a mound of snow, with maybe a carrot stuck in your ear, looking quite pleased with yourself.


Approximately sixteen thousand snowmen were built in the winter of 2002, most of them in Porthcawl, near the caravans.

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