A Conversation for The H2G2 Tolkien film and book Society!

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Post 481


Something written on the eye of sauron. with the ring around it.

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Post 482

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

How about the lettering from the Ring around the Eye? I'm sure I've seen that somewhere...

Join the fellowship!

Post 483


Hey there, y'all still accepting new members?
So, yeah, I'd like to join smiley - smiley

Join the fellowship!

Post 484

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Course we are! U number please smiley - smiley

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Post 485


smiley - ok

Here you are: U696444

Join the fellowship!

Post 486

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

smiley - smiley

You'll be up on the list by the end of the day

Join the fellowship!

Post 487


Great! smiley - smiley

Join the fellowship!

Post 488

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - whistle

Join the fellowship!

Post 489

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Rite northern rebellion your up smiley - smiley sort of forgot about it...

Anyway im off for a week, new members leave your name and your U number and ill put you up on my return

Join the fellowship!

Post 490

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

the Return of the Asmodai!
smiley - bigeyes

Join the fellowship!

Post 491


smiley - laugh

No worries there.

So, mr. Wonder Llama, you're here as well. I just seem to be following you around, don't I? smiley - tongueout

Join the fellowship!

Post 492

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Ah, well. We can't all be as great as mesmiley - tongueout

Join the fellowship!

Post 493

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

*rolls eyes* smiley - nahnah

Join the fellowship!

Post 494


smiley - laugh

Join the fellowship!

Post 495

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs


Join the fellowship!

Post 496

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

I freaked out half my year level today smiley - biggrin

We were in the year 12 area cause they took over out year 9 block for exams, and we were all sitting in these 2 little rooms cause ti was raining. Anyways, I made my eyes go mental and go all over the place and I was cross-eyed the entire time and I was moving one eye and both eyes and they were going psycho. It /completely/ freaked everyone out. It was awesome.

Join the fellowship!

Post 497

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Very nice.

Join the fellowship!

Post 498

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Yes, was very fun.

Join the fellowship!

Post 499

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I'm sure.

Join the fellowship!

Post 500

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*ahem* New thread for your investigtion. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F1701868?thread=439993&post=5492709#p5492709

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