A Conversation for Volunteer to be an Ace


Post 1


I was an ACE (ACE KoRnBaLl) before the reconstruction of the site... What happened??? I would like to be an ACE again. Thanks...


Post 2


Thanks, Peta.


Post 3


My good friend, The Cheese, recently informed me of why I am not an ACE anymore... I was supposed to receive an email asking if I wanted to stay an ACE at my old email address ([email protected])smiley - winkeye, but I had deleted that email address prior to "receiving" the letter, so, if it's possible, could I please return to my status as ACE?


Post 4


Oops! I have changed my address since then!


Post 5


Oh dear this is getting confusing! If you'd like to be an Ace now, please could you email me at [email protected] and give me an email address and your user number, and then I'll add you on. smiley - smiley

Thanks! smiley - smiley


Post 6


Thanks much!

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