St Andrew's Day Meet 2003 - The Log

1 Conversation

13:45 EV and Ku'reshtin arrive. Bar.

13:50 Zagreb arrives; orders pint of water. Funny looks, comments, etc.

14:02 Table bagged. Preliminary excuses for bad bowling offered.

14:25 Still only three attendees. Concern expressed.

14:30 Zagreb is volunteered to form search party.

14:35 Search party returns empty-handed.

14:45 Alternative plans formed: other attendees to be met at bowling.

15:40 Arrive at bowling to meet Jamie, Ovine Assassin, Mustang Sally and Event Horizon.

16:45 Zagreb breaks bowling lane. Man is sent for to fix it.

16:47 EV breaks bowling lane. Howls of protest, etc. Man sent for again.

17:00 Bowling abandoned in favour of air hockey.

17:30 Event Horizon crowned air hockey champion.

17:45 Ku'reshtin beats Ovine Assassin in fist fight.1

18:20 Arrive at pub. Empty. Shock, horror, etc.

18:22 We endear ourselves to the staff by lifting up a couch and turning it round 180 degrees.

18:35 DD and FC to arrive "in an hour". Bets laid on their actual arrival time: Ku'reshtin puts 20p on 8:15; EV says 9.

18:36 Call made to LizardKing re arrival time. Bets laid on whether Wumbeevil will turn up at all.

19:00 TheLizardKing arrives and makes dersive noises concerning keeping of log.

19:40 Weegie and Nizzy arrive. Pterry D'Actil is introduced.

20:05 Discussion of swearing in Smurfish. "You smurfing smurf," etc.

20:32 Competition to pick worst song on jukebox commences with Bay City Rollers.

20:40 Wumbeevil arrives!

20:50 Wumbie pours beer into shirt pocket to save for later.

21:25 DD and FC now scheduled to arrive "soon". Event Horizon puts 20p on 10 pm.

21:45 Wumbie requests Event Horizon to lie down with her legs in the air.2

22:00 Jukebox stakes are upped with Cliff Richard's "Millennium Prayer".

22:25 Abba on jukebox. Ku'reshtin not impressed.

22:27 Wumbie announces hatred of bearded Swedes - especially males.

22:30 Message from FC: "See you in 5." 5 what is not specified.

22:38 DD and FC arrive with comic timing as EV and Ku'reshtin are leaving. Log passed to DD for continuation.

22:42 FC's dad, Mr. Driver, is commandeered to drive Ku and EV to train station.

22:52 Pub rearranged by FC's bro and Ovine Assasin to accommodate the growing number of attendees.

22:55 FC and Wumbie arrange Eddie Izzard mini-mini-meet.

23:01 FC's bro buys a well known Scottish brand of tea cake to prove they contain no jam.

23:03 Mr. Driver returns.

23:04 Mr. Driver is thanked by text.

23:11 Wumbie gets personal service from waitress, despite being drunk as a skunk.

23:20 All night breakfasts are ordered.

23:25 Event Horizon throws a tea cake at Ovine Assassin.

23:43 Food starts to appear.

00:20 Hootoo discussed Wumbies oddly shaped balls.

00:44 FC calls DD a cheeky smiley - bleepstard.

00:45 Wumbie confirms the above.

00:47 DD a la Dr Seuss to Zagreb:

Where is your hat?

Not on your head Matt.

It does not seem to be all that,

00:56 Use of FC's bro's student ID to get cheap booze.

00:57 Ovine Assassin gives Wumbie a big snog so he can go home smelling more masculine.

00:58 Mr. Driver takes his son home.

01:01 FC's mum possibly takes group photos.

01:03 Ovine Assassin is rubbed up the right way.

01:10 Ovine Assassin successfully retains pint after confiscation time.

01:14 Fords says hello by text.

01:28 Ovine Assassin explains McCrapper for the 14th time.

01:29 DD asks Ovine Assasin: "What is McCrapper?"

01:30 DD is none the wiser.

01:31 Mustang Sally plays footsie with Wumbie. Zagreb gives Weegie a Full Nelson.

01:32 Ovine Assassin gets to finish pint.

01:35 DD and FC finally depart with Mr. and Mrs. Driver.

01:53 42p found in the couches, left as a tip.

1Via arcade punchbag machine, so no blood is spilt.2This is purely for photographic purposes, we are assured.

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