A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Percy Forever!

Post 21


*strikes a torch from the nearest dragon*

Percy Forever!

Post 22

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Sleeping on a beach? I had no idea that things had gotten so bad for him. smiley - cry

Well lets find him and put him back into slavery. smiley - smiley

*Starts to walk down the beach.*

Percy Forever!

Post 23

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]


*Trips on a sleeping smiley - sheep*

Percy Forever!

Post 24


Is it Percy?

*torch goes out*

Percy Forever!

Post 25

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

I don't know... anyone got any spare batteries?

Percy Forever!

Post 26

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Look for a birthmark! Percy had a birthmark in the shape of a 1987 Mercedies A-class.

Percy Forever!

Post 27


*rumages through pockets*

Nope. smiley - sadface

Percy Forever!

Post 28

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

smiley - ermWhat does a 1987 Mercedes A-Class look like?

Percy Forever!

Post 29

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

*GBs mobile rings creating a bright eerie green glow.*

Stupid phone! This is an important moment! smiley - cross

*Throws phone into the ocean.*

Percy Forever!

Post 30

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I don't know what a 1987 Mercedies A-class looks like, but I have a picture of one on my phone . . . Oh wait. smiley - erm

Percy Forever!

Post 31


*remembers when she designed the 1987 Mercedes A-class*

It looks like this...

*draws picture in the sand*

Percy Forever!

Post 32

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

If only we could see it. smiley - erm

Percy Forever!

Post 33

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

*A helicopter comes from above and shines a light down on the scene.*

Helicopter: Alright Ben,we have you surrounded. Come back with us to the hospital. Don't make us use force.

Percy Forever!

Post 34



Percy Forever!

Post 35

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Thanks! smiley - ok

*Runs off.*

*Trip and breaks his leg after only running 1.5 meters.*

Percy Forever!

Post 36


*stuffs GB under the sleeping smiley - sheep*

There's no Ben here...Just me and a sleeping sheep...smiley - biggrin

Percy Forever!

Post 37

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Helicopter: A sheep? Well that will make a great pet for my son who birthday is tommorow!

*A claw decends from the helicopter and picks up the sheep and GB. The helicopter flys off into the night.*

Percy Forever!

Post 38

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

And me.

*Waves to the helicopter* Hi mum!

Percy Forever!

Post 39


I hope GB remembers that I packed a parachute in his knapsack...smiley - smiley

Percy Forever!

Post 40

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

*js phone rings.*

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