A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 121

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

You're going to kill the entire state of Maine, Fiend?

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 122


Sounds like a good idea to me...
Unless I know anyone from Maine????

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 123

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

Stephen King lives in Maine. I don't know whether you like him or not, but I do.

Did you see that I read your new entry BB?

Could I get another yummy donut Joanna? And some sprinkles for Neil? smiley - fish

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 124


*hands over donuts and sprinkles*
Please don't kill the entire state of Maine, I think New England's pretty.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 125


I've never actually read any Stephen King... I object to considering his very insulting comments regarding Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining", which is a film masterpiece.
(I like Kubrick)
But thanks for reading my article smiley - smiley

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 126

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

The Shining the book is a lot different than the movie. That's King's problem with it. But I love them both (the book and the movie, and King and Kubrick).

You must like Kubrick, you do quote Full Metal Jacket on your page. I love kubrick as well. My favorite movie of his is Dr. Strangelove. It's also my favorite movie period at the moment. smiley - smiley

smiley - fish -Neil says thanks Joanna.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 127

Mr Hazmandoo (also know as Seven-of-Up to the crew of the Esirpretne)

HAHA - I'm currently in college and sitting next to the real life "Fiend" - I can reveal, in case you hadn't worked it out, he meant to put "MAIME" but couldn't spell it...

He is going to give me the frowning of a lifetime when he reads this!!!

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 128


I agree - the humour in it is so, well, unique.
And of course there's Peter Sellers too. Any film stariing Peter Sellers, Peter Sellers and Peter Sellers cannot be bad!
Afterall, I am named after Peter Seller's Goon Show character Bluebottle. Peter Sellers was, without doubt, one of the greatest actors ever.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 129


No Mr Hazmando i did mean i will kill every one in maine as part of my worl domination plan.

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 130


Do I ever hate tutorial!smiley - smiley
CU later!

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 131

Mr Hazmandoo (also know as Seven-of-Up to the crew of the Esirpretne)

I dont rate dr stranglove that much, I much prefer the Shining or Full Metal Jacket, FMJ because of the sadistic sense of humour presented by the Drill Sergent

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 132


Yes, that humour is, definately, sadistic - much immitated, but never bettered. In fact, you could say that the entire first half of that recent film "Starship Troopers" was a pale impression of Full Metal Jacket - and they actually copied some lines! Cheats! Couldn't they write their own script instead of nicking someone elses????


Post 133

Raven The Monk

Hello my friends Poke-Raven is back. Ok why talk about donuts well I'm glad to see that the conversation has
moved on from donuts to maine. You guys need help.


I Hate Sam, Page AKA FIEND

Post 134

Researcher 113899

Does anybody else have an uncontrollable urge to Kill Fiend?
Because I do, And All I have to do is walk acroos a romm, and deck
shit inot him
Taking votes for wether i SHOULD OR not


Post 135

Mr Hazmandoo (also know as Seven-of-Up to the crew of the Esirpretne)

Hey everyone - meet Anxer, another of my college buddies and, I'm sure you've gathered already, he HATES Fiend AKA Sam Page

This is what I have to put up with

Post 136

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

*Mrgrunt looks skywards for divine intervention, preferably from a passing spacecraft*
*Eyes widen as he remembers something*
It contains a virus more powerful than melissa!

Dr Strangelove!

Post 137

Robotron, formerly known as Robyn Graves and before that, GreyRose

I perfer Dr Strangelove to other Kubrick movies because it moves so much faster than the others. I mean, Clockwork Orange is a great movie, but it puts me to sleep every time I watch it. FMJ is good, but it's depressing. But, it's probably my favorite Vietnam movie.

Yes Haz, I knew that Maine was a misstype. I was trying to be funny, I guess that I failed.

*grabs herself another Snow Rainbow*

Sorry, I was MIA for a while, I was trying to find a website for a local club, and it took longer than expected.

No Subject

Post 138

Researcher 113899

Ohhh Lordy, Trouble so hard, Has Anybody heard the new Moby Song?

I love Fiend

Post 139

Researcher 113899

I'm only joking about hating Fiend - he's actually my best friend and I love him to bits!!!

I love Fiend

Post 140

Researcher 113899


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