Sample UG Entry (UG)

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Official UnderGuide Entry

This is an example of an UnderGuide Entry. It is in GuideML Format, and you can view the GuideML here. It is also marked 'Not For Review' which is important and should be ticked on every entry for the UnderGuide. Do this by ticking the box marked 'Not For Review' on the entry's edit page. It also has its author, Jodan, credited. You can credit an author by putting their U-number in the box under 'Edit the Researcher List' in the Edit Page. In this case, 201497 was inserted into the box according to the instructions above the box. After this, the 'Set Researchers' button was pushed, and the entry was updated.

You can learn about the GuideML format of an entry at the GuideML Clinic. Of course, it's important to add the tag for the UnderGuide Blob (which appears in the upper right corner of this entry), which is <PICTURE EMBED="RIGHT" BLOB="B3767758"
ALT="Official UnderGuide Entry"/>. Of course, in works that are centred, like poetry, the UG Blob would not be to the right in the entry, but at the top, centered. To change this, adjust the EMBED="RIGHT" section to EMBED="CENTER".

Use Headers to Seperate Parts of the Text - where the author has indicated seperate text.

Of course, in the process of changing an entry from Plain Text to GuideML Format, make sure that little is lost or gained in the change. The general text and feel should stay in the polished version.

Often, authors who are inexperienced with GuideML make plain text headers which are essentially just short paragraphs. It is fine to change these to headers.

Generally, just follow the Polisher Guidelines.

Use a Subheader if a subject relates to the Header above it

When you're done, make sure to email the UnderGuide Editors at UnderGuideEditors at Hotmail dot com with the A-number of the entry announcing that it is polished.

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