The Freedom to Rip People Off and Stifle Innovation Without Impunity

1 Conversation

Some people say that this is a bad thing. Pish I say to them. Fie on them. A plague on their houses and so on.

If I want to stop anyone else coming up with something useful either by threatening them, buying them out and killing their products or by preventing anyone who sells anything I make from selling anything made by a competitor then that's just dandy in my book1. That's what freedom is all about after all. First it was Gandhi, then Martin Luther King and now me. Life's just so unfair!

If you agree2 with my struggle then help support the cause by posting to this forum.

It's not just me who is being attacked, it's also happening to This Rather Large Company as well.

You rolled an eight? Oh you've landed on my street, let's see I've got two hotels and four houses so you owe me...

TFTRPOASIWI is registered charity #235632463273.

1Book also available on CD-ROM, The Way Ahead -No Deviation permitted, available in all good bookshops or else they'll feel my wrath.2By the way, one of my henchmen colleagues is holding your grandparents at gunpoint in a shack in the forest. He's waiting on my call. But don't let that sway you.3Remember (and keep this quiet) you can offset taxes against the amount you donate. So in effect it's cost you nothing and the bonus is you've given no extra money to help support poor families in your community. It's win, win, win all the way.

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