A Conversation for The H2G2 Furry (Anthropomorphic) Community Conversation

(Flies In)

Post 201

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

I know you didn't...look, I'm probably feeling sorry for myself, and just need some time alone... (sigh) I've gotta shoot at 8:20pm, so I'll probably be talking to you again on Monday night.

(Flies In)

Post 202


Ok then, bai.

(Flies In)

Post 203

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Hey! I haven't disappeared yet! (manages a slight smile)

(Flies In)

Post 204


Hmm, sad to see you leave the MB, no big deal though, still got the Fur-zion and here I supppose eh?

(Flies In)

Post 205


Not even the Fur-zion? What's up Silver, I want answers now.

(Flies In)

Post 206

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

No...one RP group is enough, b'sides The Furtrix would've fell flat again, The Pokemon Center is still open for business as is The Realm of Kairyuu. Anyway, about our relationship, I think it'd be better if we just stayed as friends...

(Flies In)

Post 207


I do too I guess...

(Flies In)

Post 208

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Yeah...Nini, when in 'real' world I'm shy and jumpy, it's when I get on the 'net that put that part of me aside, it's though I'm someone different...I just need some advice. smiley - hug

(Flies In)

Post 209


Advice? Oh, I'm not the fur to give advice.. is it your RL or FL that you need advice with?

(Flies In)

Post 210

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Just the cyber-fur side of things...

(Flies In)

Post 211


Like what?

(Flies In)

Post 212

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Well...I know that I need to take things slower when I'm with a girlfriend on the net...I'm might need some training...

(Flies In)

Post 213


Well, if you like I'll train you... I normally train mundanes but you seem a big exception!!

(Flies In)

Post 214

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Thanks Nini! (huggles 'n' snuggles)

(Flies In)

Post 215


OK then, just the how to treat girlfriends nicely right?

(Flies In)

Post 216

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Yup-yup! (snuggles)

(Flies In)

Post 217


OK then, depends on the furry you're with really if they veer more towards mundane-type behaviour or more furry..

Furry girls generally can be hugged like crazy and not mind but snuggling not so much as it does mean more serious stuff. You'll need to know each other a lot before that could start really but don't show yourself so much as a sex-crazed fox on heat, may give the wrong impression. A good idea is to be nice to us, I like being cared for a lot and each girl is different but itsn't something you can ask about, you need to find out.

More mundane-like girls are different, hugs aren't normally at the top of their list and also you'll need to go slower but with both types of relationship its all to do with how far you plan to go, if it stays OL or goes out into RL after some time, if it's the former then it'll be a shorter wait but if it's the latter then be prepared for some wait.

How to behave, you seem like a really hepped-up fox who aims way below his age range.. First thing I thought was that you were a 16 year old girl which after you saying you were a 24 year old guy sent shivers down my spine to my tail. First impressions count for everything and really it's about applying the same logic as you would in RL situations into OL situations so try to act your age and assumed gender.

GOing on from there is between you and your femme, I have no knowledge in that part so when I get to that position I'll advise you.

(Flies In)

Post 218

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Thanks Nini! (hugs) And were they good or bad shivers?

(Flies In)

Post 219



(Flies In)

Post 220

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Oh...sorry... (whimpers)

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