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11022101c Guillotine Class Heavy Cruiser/Destroyer

Length: 991m
Mass: 401,609t
Crew: 394 + 10
Manoeuvrability: Medium/Low

Offensive Systems:
4 x 360 degree Dual Gatling Turrets
2 x Forward dual Gatling Cannon.
Multiple Missile Launchers

Defensive Systems:
Countermeasure Launchers
Multiple LDA

Drive Systems:
Triple-ring Six channel thrust array
LDS Class 3
Capsule Drive

The elderly Guillotine Class Heavy Cruiser/Destroyer has a long and distinguished service history. Based on a secret prototype developed during The War, the Guillotine class heavy destroyer is a superior vessel in every sense. Once the largest vessel in space, it has since been superseded by more modern cruiser types. Yet is still a formidable ship, even though the basic design has remained essentially unchanged since its first inception. The Guillotine is no longer actively manufactured, but is licensed to be manufactured by several planetary governments. The operating costs of the Guillotine are higher than other equivalent vessels, though its cost to manufacture is less, and it is easily modified for a variety of roles.

Four Port and starboard under-wing mounted turreted dual Gatling cannon, mounted on 360 degree turrets provide unsurpassed fire-arcs and allow engagement of targets from almost any angle. While an uprated forward dual Gatling cannon provides excellent head-on firepower for frontal assaults, the shield systems are extremely strong, especially over the prow. Engines, weapons and CPU have all been upgraded, the Guillotine can now bring all three primary weapons to bear on a single target, something few vessels can survive for long. The Guillotine class requires far smaller crew than its predecessor, and has been so successful that many of the design elements have been taken and incorporated into other Heavy Destroyer class ships.

Variants include the Interdictor sub-class, which carries disruptor missiles in addition to the normal missile complement, and the Spearhead sub-class, which replaces the forward cannon with a cutting beam for station and capital ship assaults.

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