The Art of Cynicism

2 Conversations

Have you ever stopped to contemplate how beautiful cynicism is and how it has helped our evolution? Without cynicism where would we be? Still looking for Ether - (no, not the known gas but that wonderful substance that was thought to fill the universe).

Maybe we would still be drilling holes in peoples heads to relieve pain? Who knows. Without pessimism, our society (sorry for using the s-word) would collapse as dillusional optimists would wonder (and wander) freely - hypothosising about how all will be perfect.

Without a shadow of a doubt, this creature can be sure of anything - from how there MUST be a Heaven to the less likely "It won't rain today even though we're in England and going out to see the Eclipse". The only thing we get from these idealistic, super-optimistic views is disappointed. (Sure they spread hope and ignoreness but that just means I misused the word only to mean many).

Blind Optimism is what any good1 politician needs to become successful. This saves them the need to be deceitful as they actually believe in their "Common-Sense Revolution".2The New Thatcherite Party is far from being the only one to use this idealism. The Third Reich party can often be just as bad: When have you ever seen Tony expect anything but the best? The Election Song used 'Things can only get better' sums it up. What the message should have been was 'Things have a fairly high probability of getting slightly better as they are so crap now' - though it might of meant sacrificing victory.

What gets to me about most optimists' expectations is that they have an unsound basis, if any. You ask one of these creatures 'Will Y2K Bug affect planes?' and they would react instinctively 'No. I'm SURE ALL plane systems have been updated'. If you then ask 'How do you know this?' you would be glared at - doubt being an evil concept to the Opto Homo.

Now that you are expecting the very worst comes the best part and then the worst. If you have expected the worst - the event could not be worse than your expectation. Unfortunately, by expecting that the event cannot be worse than what you expected it to be, you have made an optomistic expectation (of some sort). (I would recommend reading the last sentence back). Therefore even though you expect the worst, you truly expect better.

This means it is impossible to rid your system of idealism yourself. Luckily, life does this for you with very little effort.3 By just living any everyday life, life should supply you with a more-than-regular supply of bad luck, misfortunes and disappointments. Day by day you will feel your system be cleaned of this drug.

It is dangerous to give a recovering idealist a strong dose of the truth. Most idealists' opt-o-filter will block anything close to the truth. When an idealist begins to have doubts about his reality, then the opt-o-filter shutsdown. This means that if you give the recovering idealist too much cynical facts he might become a special kind of idealist - an antroposophist! Once an antroposophist4 you can never become normal again. The extreme Antroposophist will easily infect others with his views - with powers stronger than the best politician. With one smile they can convert you.

Remember, do not fall to the evils of idealism, rise above and let your cynicism flow.

<SUBLIMINAL>All Hail Cynicism! Our Saviour!</SUBLIMINAL>

1Good as in competant, not morally good.2Often said by the members of the New Thatcherite Party in Britain (like William Hague). The meaning of this phrase is unknown.3Actually, it works much better if you put a lot of effort in.4Follower of Rudolf Steiner's philosophy.

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