A Conversation for Rosary


Post 1

Researcher 15174

catholics are very sensual, visual people
so they like their imagery, all these beautiful baroque churches and
rococo exuberances are truly a celebration of earthly life
what do the protestants come up with ? guilt guilt guilt


Post 2


Protestants are forgiven their sins through repentance, just as they are told to in the bible (another marvelous guide to life).

There is no guilt once someone is forgive.


Post 3

Researcher 35583

Thank the Great Grean Arklesiezure that I am forgive, otherwise I should have to worry about this guilt thing, which sounds terribly boring.


Post 4


atheists have it made.
all that sinning-and-begging-for-forgiveness
buisness consumes entirley too much time .

Guilt and forgiveness

Post 5

Angel (no. 32883)

But is not as tiring as the whole feeling guilty and having a heavy conscience thing.

Guilt and forgiveness

Post 6

Gag Halfrunt

Catholics do NOT have thiere sins forgiven by some rosary beads, that is the way of the 90 year old priests side.

Rosary (was Guilt and forgiveness)

Post 7

Zerrick (100778)

Just for completeness.....

The Rosary is a meditative device/prayer. The rhythmic recitation of prayers is
accompanied with the meditation on the "mysteries" of Jesus' life, as seen through
the eyes of His Mother, Mary.

It is neither a means of confession/reconciliation, nor a way to say "X" number of
prayers, nor an idol of worship. But rather, it is a means to focus on, remember,
and place oneself into the life of Jesus. Each of the 15 decades (10 beads,
plus a beginning and ending bead, with their associated prayers) is more of a
"time" for considering one event in His life (and/or the life of Mary), from the
announcement of His coming (Annunciation) through His young life, His death
and resurrection, through the Ascension of Mary.

Of course, one can ponder these events without a set regimen of prayers and
without a way to "keep track" of where you are in the meditation. However, I find
that in the course of my busy, hectic day, any help I can possibly get in focusing
is well appreciated. Placing myself in a specific event can speak volumes about
how I feel about that event.

Just rambling.....


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