Christian Eschatology (work in progress)

2 Conversations

Eschatology is the study of the endtimes. Various faiths believe in an Apocalypse. The main reference for Christians is the book of The Revelations of Saint John of The Apocalypse, or Revelations as it is usually known, but the book of Daniel (OT) has relevant sections. Like most prophetic texts the key is the interpretation. I remember ministers saying newly converted Christians should not read Daniel or Revelations.

For example Revelations foretells the mark of the beast. This will be put on the right hand or the forehead and without it noone will be able to buy or sell. this has been said to represent:

1) swearing allegiance to the Roman emperor
2) tattooed barcodes visible only with ultraviolet light
3) implanted RFID chips with financial details

It has been alleged the US were going to trial ultraviolet tattoos for social security numbers and were stopped by protests from the Christain Right

666, the number of the beast has been portrayed in
Barcodes have been postulated as "666" as there are three "6"s dividing up the stripes

A worldwide ID number has been postulated to be the number of the beast. The number would be in three groups of 6: 6-6-6!

Many of the events of the endtimes will be enacted by the One World Government, or New World Order. This will be dominated by either the Roman Catholic Church or Zionists depending on the source.

The NWO will establish global rule under a politician.

There is considerable overlap between eschatology and conspiracy theory

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