Needle Gazer Documentation

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Documentation Needle Gazer


Extendable Nacell unit

Nacell units for stellar warp drive, normally enclosed in the hull. Used to create a warp field for interstellar drive. Extending as soon as warp drive is requested. The intelligent computers favour this kind of propulsion while their thought processes are not warped by the effects.

Radiation absorbing Sails

As a stealth or low energy drive the Needle Gazer is equipped with radiation absorbing sails. In the early days of space technology this was a low thrust propulsion as the means of gathering star light were not very efficient. The radiation absorbing sails have a surface of a square light year. They can be unfolded or folded in an instant. Like all equipment onboard The Needle Gazer the sails have computer control and manual override.

Time Warp Actuator

While using the multidimensional warp drive the Needle Gazer tends to drift in time. These actuators take care the ship experiences time more or less linear by generating a drift in the opposite direction.

Hostility Deflector

On occasion locals can be irritatin in their futile demands and rules. To avoid problems with locals one has to use these hostility deflectors. The intelligent shipwide computers take care of these requirements on beforehand, if they can decide how to make coffee in time.

Gravity Deflector

To manage navigating in proximity of stars, planets or other gravitational active objects the ship is provided with gravitaty deflectors. These can produce upto 10E20G in any direction. In a parralel process these deflectors take care of the internal gravity avoiding the coffee to be spilled during crash landings.

Multi Dimensional Warp Core

The main engine of the Needle Gazer used to warp dimensions. The engines produce enough excess heat to evaporate a star, if needed. Due to accurate alignment the serial gy valves can harness the power.

Just in Time Power Supply

The main power supply of the Needle Gazer tapping some hundred stars at the time. Extracting just enough energy from each to be a neglectable factor for the star or their environment. The supply switches continuously to other stars as they come in relative close range. Do not be surprised as the stars are in jet another dimension when that universe has a local surplus of power.

Main Dimensional Warping Rudder

Special generator to navigate trough dimensions. Six thin vanes guide the trust to warp the dimensions. Each universe having its own dimensions makes it tricky to control the directional behaviour. The intelligent ship computer takes care of this facility.

Dimensional Warping Drive shaft

The energy to power the rudder flows through this shaft. Modulation of the energy stream in this shaft controls the trust.

Inprobability Drive


While supplied by the Guide we could not resist leaving this little drive at home. Towel included.

Equipment storage


Large storage with spare of anything onboard the Needle Gazer. Inflatable spare city included for extended vacations on previously uninhabited planets.

Quarter passed Deck


Personal cabin for solid crew member.

Half Deck


Personal cabin for fixed crew member.

Quarter to Deck


Personal cabin for static crew member.

Full Circle Deck


Personal cabin for definitive crew member.

Empty Deck


Empty deck while you never know when it comes in handy to have some place empty. Duplicate this cabin before ue.

Rest Room


Even while allcabins are equipped with facilities for personal sanity, there are the public facilities as sauna, swimming pool, golf court and a corner of a beach.

Guess Room


Another spare room you can guess for who it is. It is supplied with lots of coffee machines, and a private peanut dispenser.

Guest Room


Special room for invited and uninvited guests, there is enough place for everyone. However we can not guarantee we will come back at the place of origin ever. Room is supplied with a continuous stream of clean towels and spare left socks.

Officers Deck


The offices quarters are just double the size of ordinary crew cabinets. Yes, well those are the starfleet regulations. And they have their own communications system. And a private door to their respective home worlds. And a full featured minibar with food replicator.

Sub Officers Deck


As the officers just they have only one bed.

Officials Deck


Perfect decorated and utilised rooms. Including special handbook discribing every little corner and instruction for the room.

FortyTwo Backyard


Public mess, all crew members guests and officers are welcome here to eat and or drink in company. Hosted by our friendly house cyborg Acronymous Borg he prepares the most delicious meals.

Hydroponic gardens


Very close to FortyTwo Backyard are the hydroponic gardens. They strech out over miles special fertile soil has been brought in to create these. There are the fungus tubs, with an automated refreshing and harvesting system. The algae compounds are on the other side. In the middle stretches a path underneath some trees up the hill.

Metal Detector


The metal detector can detect metal and is specialised in detecting artefacts made from metal. Comes in very handy on the search for new life forms. Or finding out why the seemingly intelligent life forms on certain planets became extict.

Organics Detector


The organic detector can detect the presence, complexity and the structure of most known and unknown life forms and the remains of such.

Anorganics Detector


The anorganic detector measures the abundancy of all combinations of elementswith an accuracy of less then one part per 10E12.

Rest Detector


The rest detector can detect the rest of anything in less then to time it take to be. Unless stated otherwise in the contract these values are not for resale.

Motion Detector


The motion detector can detect any motion e- or at subatomic level. The latter just only for the velocity and direction not the kietic energy.

Life Detector


The life detector detects life of any form shape or energy level. It works fairly easy: everywere where the entropy is battled there must be life involved.

Alien Detector


The alien detector is more like a highlighter for any detected life forms not jet registered in the database.

Interior control


Interior control systems including life support. Provides fresh air for all inhabitants of the ship. Each crewmember is surrounded with an atmospheric condition in wich they feel most pleasant. Special shielding is applied when incompatible atmospheric races are in proximity of each other.

Exterior control


Exterior control systems come in handy if the crew would like to visit places with less pleasant or healthy conditions. This control system acts as the old space suit. A secondary task is to keep the exterior external as even the ships interior can be damaged by extreme external conditions.

Inferior control


We need at least one system to fail. Otherwise we would get complaints from the system unions. This is the system to fail in such occasions. As there is no real task for the system it is designed to play Tetris.

Life control


Life control and repair system. Formerly known as ships hospital any damaged life forms can be restored to the state of last backup. Do not forget to report here at least once a day. It takes only a minute to backup or restore.

Position control


Position control is the system to ask where you are. This comes in handy if you are a bit lost.

Walkabout area


Union regulations require for every crew member to be able to take a walkabout every now and then. This wasteland is specially designed and created to waste youlunch breaks in an intriguing jet eventually boring environment. This wasteland is famous for its many teeth wimmers, an egglaying water carnivorous creature.

Control Division


Left brain half of some of the onboard intelligent computers.

Control Diversion


Right brain half of some of the onboard intelligent computers.

Captains chair


The Most important seat onboard the Needle Gazer. This is where the captain has to sit, alternatively you can find him for a walkabout.

Control Desk


Surrounding the captains chair is the massive control desk. Covered with nice blinking lights screens buttons knobs, sliders even joysticks. Has to be used in case the computer systems need an override control command. Tkae care any touch of a button knob or slider can result in serious depressions in the intelligent computers.

All rooms onboard the Needle Gazer can be reached with the Trubo Door Systems™. You just have to walk to the door and it opens a hallway of three steps to get you to your destination.

Starfleet rules and regulations require all compartiments to be accessible via 'jeffries tubes'. These are fysical tubes connecting all parts of the ship.

When the ship is life and ready, the 'jeffries tubes' are man high so you can walk upright. If all systems are down you will have to crawl through the tubes.

The ships computers are a special breed of intelligent life. (Do _not_ refer to them as artificial intelligences, they can get depressed by such.) Both the main computers control the ship, their offspring handles small sub tasks. Needle is specialised in propulsion and Gazer tends to specialise in observations.

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