A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
Great article as usual
frenchbean Started conversation Nov 13, 2003
Hi Hypatia
It's great as usual
Gosh, there are sometimes I wish we could have pictures in h2g2. But perhaps that's part of the joy (like listening to the radio): we make up the pictures in our heads. I can see your veg plot full of beautifully-matured plants, dripping with produce.
Good checklist too: all important points which people often forget. But don't we all grow too many different things in the first year or 2? I know that I do, until I know how successful things are going to be, and how much I really like them. The 3rd year onwards it all settles down with just the occasional addition to my list of crops.
Roll on the spring!!
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Great article as usual
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