A Conversation for The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Flea Market: A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Entry: The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period. - A20296299
Author: The Death of Rats V Ash and the army of darkness. "i'll swallow your soul!" - U2562361

Any takers for this Scavenged Entry?

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 2

Lt. Thrace (formerly Death of Rats and Rodent like humans)


I have been away from the forum for quite some time but i am back!

I would really like the opportunity to re-edit this and submit it, but I don't really know how all this stuff works so im not really sure if that's possible... please get back to me on this


smiley - smiley

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello smiley - smiley

If you click on <./>RF4</.> then scroll down, you should have the option to *remove this entry* from the Flea Market. You will then have full control to edit your Entry and can submit to another forum when you are ready (via the submit button, which will reappear when you have removed the Entry from the Flea Market). If you require further assistance, don't hesitate to ask!smiley - ok

smiley - galaxy

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 4

Lt. Thrace (formerly Death of Rats and Rodent like humans)


i tried, but it said i did not have permission to remove the entry smiley - erm


A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 5


Its cause you changed name

In the title bar (top of page) of the entry A20296299 change this

to this

Copy and paste text into new entry and start again smiley - ok

I hope it helps smiley - smiley

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 6


Just click on this it works as well


smiley - smiley

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 7

Lt. Thrace (formerly Death of Rats and Rodent like humans)

Thanks for that

smiley - cheers

A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period.

Post 8


You are welcome smiley - cheers

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