A Conversation for Soccer as an act of war

Soccer as war

Post 1

Researcher 107896

Of course soccer is a substitute for war - it's men that participate, for the most part. Then again, as I believe that sex is at the root of most emotions, then war and sport are extensions of sexual frustration. i.e. the way that men with no, or virtually no, sex life will be the ones that's into it just that bit too much. Also consider that most people don't care much for anything anyway, then the fact that some people care only for eleven strangers in shorts and t-shirts running round a field is quite sad. I would also like to point out that I too love football, but that none of the above applies to me anyway. Obviously.
Thank You and Goodnight.

Soccer as war

Post 2


*hee hee*.. I too, am absolutely addicted to football, which has been OK for the last few years because, living in Australia, everything is relatively safe and cotton wool wrapped. So, as a consequence, it's perfectly fine for little, innocent girls such as myself to attend said football matches. Now, i've moved back to glasgow though, where I absolutely refuse to go without a strong male present. The whole supporters war thing absolutely scares me shitless and I am relatively defenceless in these matters, as has been proven to me many times.

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