A Conversation for GG: Chicken and Egg - a rational answer

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Post 1

lisawolf (Transgender Forum - A2095643, The New Wiccan Forum - A2106073 )

How you answer this question depends on whether you believe in Creationism or Evolution.

If you believe in Evolution, then clearly the egg came first.
If you believe in Creationism, then the chicken came first.


Post 2


Couldn't a creationist believe that God made the egg first? Maybe he really enjoyed Jurassic Park or something?

smiley - witchthom


Post 3

lisawolf (Transgender Forum - A2095643, The New Wiccan Forum - A2106073 )

Well I believe the Bible states that he made the beasts and so on. That implies that he made them as living creatures, not eggs. It doesn't prove it though.

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