Ferero Rocher

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Anyone from outside the UK may be unfamiliar with Ferero Rocher chocolates, and thier unforgettable advertising. Those who do not dwell on these hallowed shores may not recall the Ambassador's exquisite taste or shudder when hearing the immortal words 'Monseiur, with these Ferero Rocher you are spoiling us!'.

Indeed, this advertising, bloody awful though it was, earned itself a an unlikely place in Britain's hearts (sod the England-Scotland-Wales divide for a bit, EVERYONE in the UK who owns a TV knows about this). It was set to become one of Britain's lesser known traditions, because anything worth whinging about eventually becomes tradition in the UK.

But recently, Ferero Rocher has got it's advertising act together with a half decent TV ad. Of course, they will still hold a fraction of thier former ridicule because of thier past exploits in TV advertising (because anything worth whinging about isn't quickly forgotten by the British either) but still, in a way, I'll miss the cheesy butler getting the nod from the Reed Richards-lookalike Ambassador and mincing around as butlers do through the rich and powerful with a collection of confection that costs the best part of three quid. I'll always remember it fondly.

And the chocolates themselves? Quite nice actually. Very moreish.

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